Configuration #
Each spec project must have a .spectools configuration file.
A fictive example of a spectools config for a spec project.
spectools: "1.20.0" #Minimal spectools version
specDir: "./specs"
specFormat: "yaml" #set to yaml or json
dependencies: #do not write every type/message again and again. Install them.
- " v1.11.8" # The importer looks for all **/*.type.spec files recursive The importer looks for all **/*.service.spec files recursive
dependenciesDir: dependencies #directory where the dependencies get installed to.
- "./muspecs/**/*types.yaml"
- "./muspecs/*types.yaml" #Use this if you do not put your specs in folders
- "./muspecs/**/*services.yaml"
- "./muspecs/*services.yaml" #Use this if you do not put your specs in folders
goPackageBase: "" #this is used to prefix the go package option
javaPackagePrefix: "com.yourname.something"
dir: "muspecs"
commands: #camelCase is not allowed, command scripts can only be executed from a flow
gen_grpc_gateway: "./scripts/grpcgateway/"
exec_protoc : "./scripts/"
default: #we choose µSpec as source
- muSpec2Spec #Updates the specs from the µSpecs
- genMessageProtos #Generates the protos from the type specs
- genServiceProtos #Generates the protos from the services specs
- exec_protoc #Custom script
- gen_grpc_gateway #Custom script
- genEsModule #Generates specs to use in clients
build: #build config, define the targets here
targetDir: "dist/protos/" #Hint: add this to your proto include path
targetFile: "dist/env.js" #env module for the furo client libs
targetFile: "dist/allservices/all-services.proto"
package: "allservices"
go_package: ";allservicespb"
java_multiple_files: true
java_outer_classname: "AllServices"
java_package: "com.yourname.something.allservices"
dist: # this is for spectools install called on other projects,
files: # enter a list of files and directories which should be installed by other projects
- dist/protos
- specs
- .spectools